Art, in all its mediums, has always been a part of my life since i was a child. My favorite memory goes back to when my Grammie would take all of us grandkids to the mountains to explore some nature as well as a chance to explore our creativity by giving us a drawing pad, a charcoal pencil and the freedom to create our own art. Drawing, painting, and sculpting was just something we did as a family and those experiences will always be cherished. Now, how in the world did i ever think about getting into sugar art ? My life changed forever when my mom passed away. Celebrating my mom's life played a huge role in my grieving and healing process. Now, the Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebration is an annual tradition for friends and family to come together to honor, remember and celebrate our loved one's who are no longer with us. The tradition of making sugar skulls to place on the alter exposed me to this tremendous medium that really allowed for my artistic ability to magnify in a way that I've never seen. The art of sugar skulls has become a passion for me. This passion has now opened the opportunity to preserve the Mexican culture as well as to enrich and educate our community about the beauty of sugar skulls and its role in celebrating and memorializing loved ones that have passed. It has taken a lifetime of trials and tribulations, faith, courage and family to now have the ability to provide an outlet for emotional healing, as well as inspiring all artists, young and not so young by visualizing, creating, and sharing unique one-of-a-kind sugar skulls.
In Loving Memory of Mom